Sunday, June 14, 2009


So the past few weeks have been non stop and I really need a vacation from life. I have a travel size notebook where I literally write down all my to-dos. To-dos mainly for Fur My Pet, and some to-dos for myself personally. This helps me tremendously to maintain the website and stay on top of things that I need. So one of my to-dos was to check up on my Google ad words campaign for a number of reasons. One of them was because I hadn't had any sales in a 2 week period and that seemed strange. I went online and I noticed that I had no Fur My Pet ads showing in a month or longer. Not understanding what the problem was, I contacted a customer service person and all they had to say was that after my previous campaign optimization, I had to reset my minimum cost per clicks for the campaign. OMG WHAT A PAIN! I had already done this before the optimization and Google had to click it OFF for the optimization. You would think that they could just turn it back on or let me know to how to turn it back on. Not the case. Because setting up cost per clicks was something I had already done a while back, I had to search Google Help and figure out how to manually go in and type in a minimum cost per click for my ad word campaigns.

So that was the reason I had no sales - my text ads were not being shown online. Google prides itself on ease of the program and on alerts. Well I was never alerted that my ads were not being shown. If my ads are not being shown, that means on one is clicking on them. If no one is clicking on them, that means that Google is not getting paid. This alone should have raised some red flags for them to send me an alert.

Now my ads are back on line and it will now take a few weeks for the ads to be rotated so that searchers will see them. I'll keep you posted on that progress!

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